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Unconditional Love or Conscious Love

                                                 “He who loves, never dies”
Love is the most powerful energy that exists, and to decide to live it is to return to authentic and true values. With patience, awareness and consistency, we can embody this state of unconditional love on earth.
The energy of unconditional love

The power of love generates strong vibrations that allow us to enter emotional states of bliss, contentment, joy, and well-being. To speak of unconditional love is first to seek respect, compassion and kindness within ourselves and then to see it in others.

We are part of a great whole, a great family of sensitive beings, cooperating on the path of life, sometimes strewn with difficulties, misfortunes or heartaches.
By widening one’s heart and opening oneself to love, one widens one’s consciousness. We learn to find the balance between what we give and what we receive.

Love with conditions 

True love is free from all conditions and conditionings, meaning that we love the other person regardless of their names or beliefs.  
Conversely, if in a relationship we love conditionally, we dehumanize and objectify the other person. We make them our own and if they don’t meet our expectations, we feel jealousy, frustration or resentment. To objectify is to want that person to be around all the time, to satisfy one’s own needs, even if it means depriving them of their freedom.  
We then convert social or love relationships into commercial transactions: “you love me so I love you, you behave well with me so I behave well with you, you take care of me so I take care of you”.
We must love without desire for reciprocity, because loving is not about belonging or grasping, it is about letting go, accepting and freeing the other from all expectations.
Love teaches us humility, nobility, unity, and shows us how to give to the other without expecting any return.

Getting out of the ego and evolving your consciousness

Whether in a family, a couple or among friends, we see the other person according to certain character traits, according to behavioral tendencies that we judge with our own beliefs. We are disconnected from the people with whom we share our daily life and if we do not do the work of inner reconnection, the relationships will remain poor, awkward and superficial.

The great enemies of conscious love are selfishness, possessiveness, greed, jealousy or anger. To get out of these resentments, one must go and transform one’s consciousness, with strength and will.    

To move from a “conditioned” (egocentric) mind to a free and open mind is to reprogram your consciousness, to free yourself from toxic emotions and unhealthy tendencies in order to generate a purer and more joyful love.
And this begins with understanding.

If the mind is like a melting pot of trauma, resentment, or grudges, then our emotional bonds will be filled with vices, and this, from the first contact. If, on the other hand, our mind is harmonious and balanced, there will be no emotional attachment and relationships will be much healthier and more respectful.

Learning to master your mind means first of all understanding how it works. Depending on the situations experienced on a daily basis, the brain adopts different strategies that can be similar to unconscious manipulation. Depending on the subject, the ego may decide to attack, defend itself. It can also adopt the role of victim, executioner or savior, which will fuel feelings of guilt, anger and sadness, leading to depression.

By remaining vigilant with regard to our thoughts, words, and reactions at all times, we can bring back discernment and help our consciousness evolve on a daily basis. 

A healthy and conscious mind opens more and better capacity to love. Conversely, a complex, neurotic, fragile mind, full of sensitivities and suspicions, will have more difficulty to be in communion with others.  

The reward of unconditional love

We must learn to love. Animals do it naturally, and we humans remain self-centered and utilitarian. Let them teach us this lesson.
The Buddha called love “the liberation of the heart”. If a person shines with his mind, but does not shine with his heart, his life is a failure, no matter what.
The reward of love is love itself and the transforming joy it gives off. It is a love that is born in the light of a deep understanding called “wisdom” and allows us to begin to create our conditions for other beings to be happy, even at the risk of losing them.  
“As the old saying goes, ‘Gods love consciously, and he who loves consciously, becomes a god.”