The karma
The Law of Cause and Effect aims to restore the balance lost when we act against love.
If our actions are negative, meaning they are far from love (which is union), the resulting effect seeks to restore the lost harmony due to that action. It’s not a punishment but a necessary condition to make us understand that it’s not the path to exit the third dimension. On the other hand, if our actions are filled with love, unconditional and generous love, the Universe’s response will be positive.
This is what is meant by Karma.
Karma has been wrongly interpreted as divine punishment, which doesn’t exist because God is infinite Love and Mercy:
God cannot punish as it would be a contradiction.
Everything is within Him, and there is nothing outside of His will.
Our experiences are His, as we are particles of His being.
Through our various lives, we come to understand that Love is the only way to exit this dimension.
The negative effects we experience teach us that we have taken the wrong path to reach our goal. At the beginning of one’s evolution, an individual always acts against love, an attitude driven by the fear of feeling alone, separated from God and others. It’s a defensive act against what is perceived as an aggression from everyone around. Then comes a reaction to this law, which involves creating a negative situation that makes one reflect. This law is infallible, and its effect can manifest in the same life or in another, but it is always present.
We come into this world forgetting our true essence to eventually understand who we really are, thanks to experimentation.
As we immerse ourselves in this world, we develop the need to create to counteract our feeling of loneliness. Initially, we start creating experiences that are far from love because by experiencing separation, we act against it (which is union). This leads to a series of behaviors necessary so that, after living in darkness, we find the light that allows us to discover and appreciate who we truly are.
As everything that happens is simultaneous, if an individual, during a regression, manages to see a life that caused negative karma due to an act devoid of love, it can be changed by altering the intention behind it. It should be noted that the Universe is flexible, and since everything happens at the same time, the effects of negative actions can be modified by replacing them with love. However, there are karmas that remain impossible to change, such as those that come with a congenital disability or the loss of certain faculties due to an accident, because these are conditions that were chosen in advance to overcome and compensate for negative actions in other lives.
Thoughts are creative, and it is with them that we create our future every day.
If our thoughts are filled with resentment, hatred, despair, or anxiety, our life will be filled with the negativity they generate.
Conversely, if our thoughts are filled with love for others, compassion not only for ourselves but also for the community, the life unfolding before us will help us put these feelings into practice.
Our life is made up of what we decided to experience before incarnating, as well as what we decide to do once in the world. Nothing is imposed on anyone. If we have chosen to face certain obstacles, it is to balance the karma we have accumulated and to learn different virtues, even if we do not always act accordingly. Negative actions are balanced by pain or love, corresponding to what has been transgressed. Often, souls want to experience the same pain they have caused to others. By suffering the same pain they have inflicted, they create an energy of compassion, which is a form of love. Love and service are another method to counteract mistakes.
“The mass deaths that occur have been accepted by each of their members, thus dissolving their karma. It is not punishment or cruel ‘destiny.’ When these souls decided to incarnate, they accepted their death as an experience that would help cleanse the Earth of negativity. These disasters remove the planet’s rarified vibration, a consequence of environmental abuse and the slaughter of whales and seals, indiscriminate tree felling, unlimited exploitation of fossil fuels, and everything that entails non-biodegradable chemicals. Several generations will be needed to replace what has been damaged. Ecological disasters will lead to an opening of consciousness to other alternatives that will help restore human behavior.”
The Law of Cause and Effect was conceived to reestablish the balance lost when people infringe upon love. If our behavior is negative, that is to say, removed from love that is unity, the effect that tends to recover lost harmony due to that action ensues and the same type of results are obtained. This is not a sanction, but rather, the required condition for us to understand that we are on the wrong path to exiting the third dimension. On the other hand, if our actions are driven by love, unconditional love and generosity, the Universe’s response will be positive. This is what is understood as karma.
Karma has been misinterpreted as divine punishment, which is nonexistent; God is infinite love and compassion. It is impossible that He punishes us because it would be a contradiction. All things are within Him and nothing is outside of His will. Our experiences are His given that we are particles of His being.
When an individual initiates his evolution, his actions counter love due to fear sourced in the belief that he is alone and separated from God and the rest of humanity. It is a defense mechanism in the face of what he perceives as hostile surroundings. A causal reaction of this law consisting of a negative situation that will make him think things over happens then. This law is infallible and its effects can impact that specific life experience or another, but it is always present. Through our various lives, we come to understand that Love is the only path to exit this plane. The negative effects we obtain teach us that we have taken the wrong direction towards reaching our goal.
We have come into this world disremembering our true being to eventually understand who we are through experimentation. Once we are submerged in the world, we develop the need to create in order to offset our sensation of loneliness. The experiences we initially create are quite distanced from love that is unity because we have come to experience separation. This causes a series of behaviors that are necessary so that we encounter the Light after living in darkness in order to discover and appreciate what we really are.
Since everything occurs simultaneously, if during a past life regression, an individual is able to see a life that garnered negative karma due to an action lacking of love, he can modify it by changing the intent that originated it. Let us be clear: the Universe is flexible and given that everything is happening concurrently, the effect of negative actions can be modified by substituting them with love. However, there are karmas that cannot be changed, such as those derived from a congenital disorder or the loss of faculty due to an accident, because those are conditions that have been chosen beforehand to be overcome and compensate for negative actions of other lives.
Our thoughts are capable of creating, and with them, we create our future every day. If our thoughts are resentful, hateful, desperate, and anguished, our lives will be comprised of such creations, of the negativity that they breed. Conversely, if our thoughts are about loving our fellow man, helping, being compassionate, and wishing wellbeing not only for oneself, but also for the community, the life unfolding before us will help us put those feelings into practice.
Our life is constituted by what we have decided to experience prior to embodying as well as what we actually do once we come into the world. Nothing is imposed upon anyone. If we have chosen to contend with certain barriers, it is to compensate for the karma we have accumulated and acquire the different virtues, although we do not always act in keeping with what we originally set out to do. Negative actions are compensated with pain or with the very love that has been breached. Frequently, souls wish to experience for themselves the pain they brought upon others. Eliminating the effects of negative behaviors by taking on the pain that those souls caused generates a compassionate energy that is a form of love. Another way to counter our mistakes is through love and service.
Following is a transcription of a message from my guides:
“The massive deaths that are occurring have been accepted by every one of their members who are dissolving karma in doing so. It is not about punishment or a cruel “destiny.” When these souls decided to embody, they accepted their death as an experience that would help cleanse the Earth’s negativity. These catastrophes are removing the planet’s rarefied vibration as a consequence of having abused the environment and its fauna: the killing of whales and seals, indiscriminate chopping down of trees, limitless exploitation of fossil fuels, and everything that entails with chemical products that are not biodegradable. Multiple generations will be needed to replace what has been damaged. Ecological disasters will lead to an opening of consciousness to other alternatives that will help restore humanity’s behavior.”